Picture gallery

Copyright: Björn Gerdes, IMTEK.

Exhibition Key note talk by Prof. Dr. Andreas Manz
13 companies, research departments and organisations showed their latest products and results at the exhibition. Prof. Dr. Andreas Manz, KIST Europe, gave a key note talk on Lab on Chip for separations.
Poster session  Poster session 2
The participants presented more than thirty posters discussing their latest results on microfluidic handling systems.  
Best presentation award for Lisa Schott  Aula
Lisa Schott of Fraunhofer ICT-IMM wins best presentation award. Conference chair Dr. Peter Koltay hands over the prize of 250 Euros. About a hundred participants were listening to the talks held in the Aula at the University of Freiburg.
 Best poster award for Ivo Leibacher  Conference Dinner, welcome reception
Conference chair Dr. Joost Lötters congratulates Ivo Leibacher of ETH Zürich for the best poster of MFHS 2014. Neurobiologist Dr. Hening Beck gave an inspiring lecture at the conference dinner in the restaurant "Coucou".


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